First off, wow...your daughter is so beautiful and talented. Knowing what I do from your serialized memoir, I can imagine your pride and maybe even surprise at her. I feel so proud of my children's accomplishments because of our early lives. They pulled it out! Also...your novel excerpt! Sign me up to buy it when it's published!

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Linda, you're just the BEST!! Thank you so much! Some days you really need a word of encouragement and today you have provided that for me. Thank you, friend!

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Compelling excerpt. The scene and vibe reminds me of a novel I just finished called Moon of the Turning Leaves by Waubeshig Rice. Looking forward to reading more.

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Thank you so much, Jill! I'll have to check that out!

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You are such a prolific writer, Constance. I really admire that. What a treat to get to read some of your fiction. Best of luck with the revisions. I can't wait to hold a copy of your book in my hand

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Thank you so much for your encouragement, Clare! I so needed to hear that today! I love writing fiction - it's been a long road to get it out there in the world but i love hearing from someone who can see that happening. Thank you again!

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Oh I love this novel so much, it’s such a moving story and so beautifully written!! Every time I read it, I find new things I love in it. And you have such a needed voice illuminating what women in conservative worlds go through and what it takes for them to gain agency over their lives.

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Thank you so much, Ivy!!

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I'd read that book! Keep us posted!

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